About Us

Seed Capital Credit Limited Tanzania is a registered limited liability company incorporated in Tanzania under the companies’ ordinance (cap 212). The company is based in Dar es Salaam, its main businesses is micro finance services, extending micro credit to individuals, groups and SMEs. Other services are agency for insurance as our company is registered with Tanzania Insurance Regulatory Authority (TIRA) ...Read more

Our Strategic Outlook

Our vision is to become a lead micro finance service company providing top quality financial services that unlocks economic potentials within the marginalised groups. We deliver this by constantly building our skills set and knowledge to meet the growing and diverse demand for our services/products. Sustaining our reputation as a reliable, customer-oriented, dynamic player in the market. Achieving profitable growth, operational and organizational excellence without compromising our core values and business ethics;

Our Core Values

  • Respect for diversity; We strongly believe in enriching people, cultures, and stakeholders through diversity.
  • Integrity and professionalism; We walk the talk.
  • Value for money; We will always strive to offer the best to our customers
  • Team spirit is our success; We strongly promote a culture of openness and equality among members
  • Innovation; We strive to improve our products and processes thus creating more value to our customers.

Our Loans

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Group Loans

These loans designed to meet credit needs of micro-entrepreneurs regardless of their gender, literacy level, and business turn-over...

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Formal Sector Employees Loan

Target people who are employed to the formal sector and ready to use their salary as collateral with consent of his/her employer...

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Business Loans

Target small entrepreneurs who seek financing facility to enhance their working capital. The facility shall be extended only to ...

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Emergency/Immediate Loans.

This facility targets individuals with short term liquidity crisis but are expecting reliable future cash flow...

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Our Insurance & Vehicle

Close up portrait of a happy business woman smiling outside office building

Motor Insurance

Our Motor insurance cover protects the insured against financial loss in the event that the motor vehicle is involved in an accident, burnt...

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House insurance

Your house your shelter. Do you want to protect your house from unforeseen events ie. fireoutbreak, floods, earthquake and...

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Construction insurance

We provide you with assurance of being free from all constructions risk and being in safe from financial insecurity/loss due to...

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Vehicle Importation from Japan (Beforward)

We are Beforward Supporters with BFS ID 87327. We have experience assisting importing Vehicles from Japan for our individuals...

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Vehicle/Motorcycle change of ownership

We closely work with TRA in assisting clients who are potentially in need of transferring vehicle ownership or changing vehicle...

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satisfied customers


Loans issued


Hours Of Support


Hard Workers



Mr. Jamil A. Mwalupindi


Ms. Martha Hango

Operations Director

Mr. Elias D. Maphina

General manager